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About the Orchestras

      The Holland Middle School Orchestra Program    



The Holland Middle School Orchestras are under the direction of Mrs. Lauren Rudat.  There are three performing ensembles in which students can perform, the Full Orchestra, the Chamber Orchestra, and the String Quintet.  Each group plays its own music and is designed to cater to the talents of each group.  The Full Orchestra and Chamber Orchestra rehearseduring the Resource/Activity Period.  The String Quintet rehearses during the school day in lieu of a lesson.  Below you will find a description of each performing ensemble. 

The Full Orchestra is comprised of seventh and eighth grade string players.  Any string player in the school can participate in this group.  Select members of the Concert Band also play with this group.

The Chamber Orchestra is comprised of select seventh and eighth grade string players.  Entrance into this group is contingent upon an audition.  Members of Chamber Orchestra must also participate in the Full Orchestra.   

The String Quintet is made up of the top five musicians in the school.  Students are chosen by audition.

For further information, contact Mrs. Rudat at