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Concussion and Safety

Please visit the website for your sport for more detailed information. 

 Athletes must complete the following two concussion items in order to participate in a sport or attend a tryout:

Please understand that there are 2 different requirements.  Athletes need to complete both concussion requirements listed below.  Both concussion items are good for ONE school year. 

Fall Sports: ALL THREE  Participation Requirements (1. PIAA Physical forms 2. Concussion Education Program 3. Impact  Baseline Concussion test) are due online on the following date: 

Wednesday, September 4th, 2024

1. Online CCET Concussion-Education Program:

The concussion education program will be completed online from home by the athlete.  This is an informational presentation designed to educate students on concussion prevention, symptoms and follow-up care.  Each section will have questions that students will have to answer in order to complete the program.  When you have completed the presentation and all the questions, it will show you your score.  Your Athletic Director will be able to see who has completed this presentation and the score you receive on the questions.

*This education program should be completed by the athlete before taking the Impact Concussion Test

Please download the 2024-2025 directions  for the Online CCET Concussion-Education Program in order to complete the program. 

2. Online Concussion Impact Test: 

The ImPACT Test will also be completed online by the athlete.  It consists of several cognitive questions which will provide a baseline for future impact testing in the event the student suffers a concussion during the Holland Middle School athletic season. The baseline can then be referenced to help determine an athlete’s readiness to return to practice and competitions.  Concussion IMPACT testing and Concussion Education are MANDATORY for every student athlete. Athletes must have both the Concussion Education Program and the Impact Test completed before attending tryouts.

*If you are an 8th grade student who took the concussion test and concussion education program last year, you will still need to take both of them again this school year.  Concussion tests are valid for one school year.

Please download the 2024-2025 Directions for the Online Concussion Impact Test in order to complete the test. 


Please email the athletic director, Sarah Spadafora ( if you need any help!




PIAA Return to Play Protocol:

If an athlete thinks they have a concussion, they will need two things before being allowed to return to practice or games. 

1.  A signed note from a doctor that clears them to play. This can note can be handed into the nurse.

2.  The athlete must be 100% in school before returning to practice or play.  In other words, if an athlete is in need of "brain breaks", or receives some accommodations (no tests, no notes, etc...) due to their concussion, they will not be allowed to play.  Returning to learn comes before returning to play. 


Once an athlete is cleared by the doctor, they must go through the Council Rock protocol before returing to play.  Below is the required protocol. 


Six Step Return to Play Protocol:

#1: Doctor clears athlete. Before step #2 the athlete needs to schedule a time with the athletic director to take a post-injury concussion test.

#2: Light aerobic exercise- Walking, swimming, or biking while keeping heart rate below 70% max.

#3: Sport Specific Exercise- Basic Low impact drills associated with the athletes sport. (No head impact activities)

#4: Non-contact training drills- Progress to more complex drills.

#5: Full contact practice- Resume normal training activities if there are no symptoms at this step.

#6:  Return to game play







Parents and Athletes: Frequently Asked Questions


  1. Do I need to get concussion tested?  Yes.  It is now PA law that every middle school athlete be concussion tested before participating in sports. 


  1. When do I get tested?  All Holland athletes will take the concussion education program and the concussion baseline impact test at home online.


  1. My child is playing a sport outside of school and needs a concussion test. Can I use the test they took at school?  No.  Our test is for use in Council Rock sports only.  Groups like CRUSA, CRWA, and Council Rock Ice Hockey, are all club teams, and have no affiliation with the district.  We are not permitted to share the test, or the results with these groups.   


  1. Will you post-test my child if their concussion happened OUTSIDE of a school?  No.  We are only permitted to post test a child whose concussion happened while participating in a school activity.   


  1. If my child gets a concussion how can I obtain a copy of their concussion test results?  Email Mike Horan (email below) and ask for a copy.  There is a process that needs to be followed:


  1. Email the head trainer at CR North and ask to have the test results given to you.  It will take 48 hours so be sure to email in advance. 

                                                       Head trainer at CR North:  Mike Horan:

  1.  The reports cannot be faxed to your doctor.  You will be given an ID code that will allow you to access them.