JV Girls Basketball
Coach Contact Information
Coach: Mr. Hoerger
Email: choerger@crsd.org
2024-2025 Game Schedule:
Tuesday Dec. 03 vs. Maple Point Middle School @ Holland Middle School 3:30PM
Thursday Dec. 05 @ New Hope-Solebury HS @ New Hope-Solebury HS 3:15PM
Monday Dec. 09 @ Newtown Middle School @ Newtown Middle School 3:30PM
Tuesday Dec. 10 vs. Poquessing Middle School @ Holland Middle School 3:30PM
Friday Dec. 13 @ Klinger Middle School @ Klinger Middle School 3:15PM
Thursday Dec. 19 @ Log College Middle School @ Log College Middle School 3:15PM
Friday Dec. 20 vs. Newtown Middle School (Holiday Game) @ Holland Middle School 1:15PM (spectators welcome)
Friday Jan. 03 vs. Carl Sandburg Middle School @ Holland Middle School 3:30PM
Team Photos
Girls Basketball photos will take place on Wednesday November 20th, 2024. Get a photo form from your coach. Please give the form and fee directly to the photographer on the day of your photos. Please do NOT give it to your coach, athletic director, homeroom teacher or front office. Every athlete will need to be in uniform that day for pictures.
Team Calendar
Click the RSS button to subscribe to this calendar on your phone or computer!
Tryout Information:
Tryouts will start on Monday November 11th, 2024 (3:15-4:45pm) in the main gym. Please be prepared to attend tryouts for 5 days. You MUST have your own ride home; there are no buses!
Athlete Requirements
In order to participate or attend tryouts, every student MUST complete the following three items:
Or if an athlete attended tryouts or played a fall sport, you must fill out the Winter Re-certification form on the ATS website under the tab "forms".
Please have all three participation requirements OR the winter re-certification form filled out online by: Wednesday November 6th, 2024