What is CARES
What is the CARES Program?
In Pennsylvania, every middle and high school and some elementary schools have a Student Assistance Program (SAP). A SAP team, made up of school and community agency staff, is here to help you access school and community services. Council Rock SAP teams are called CARES teams (Children at Risk in the Educational System).
Do You See Your Child Showing Any of These Behaviors?
- Withdrawing from family, friends and/or school
- Changing friends; no longer spends time with old friends
- Unexplained physical injuries
- Talking about suicide
- Depressed
- Defying authority, both at home and at school
- Acting aggressively
- Lying
- Needing money without an explanation
- Sudden drop in grades
- Experimenting with drugs or alcohol
Are You Concerned About Your Child’s Reaction to:
- Recent death of a loved one
- Divorce/separation of parents
- Family relocation
- A relationship problem
- Stress
- Other traumatic event
If your child is having trouble in or out of school, we can assist. There may be times when you just don’t know how to help your child. That’s okay; someone else may know how to support you.
Don’t feel embarrassed or uncomfortable about asking for help. When it’s needed, knowing how and where to find assistance can be overwhelming.
How Does My Child Become Involved in the Program?
Your school’s CARES team will help you find services and assistance within the school and, if needed, the community. We do not diagnose, treat, or refer your child for treatment. Rather, we will provide you with information; you make the choices. Remember, you are part of our team. Our goal is to facilitate your child’s success in school.
Students come to the CARES team in different ways. There are a number of ways that a student might be referred for CARES intervention. For example, any school staff member, a student’s friend or family member can let the CARES team know that they are worried about someone. The students themselves can even go directly to the CARES team to ask for help.
Contacting Your School’s CARES Program
If you feel that your child may need help, call your child’s school and ask to speak with a member of the CARES team. Someone will be there to lend a hand.
- CRHS North Leigh Ann Doyle 215-944-1352
- CRHS South Tom Williams 215-944-1176
- Holland MS Brian Ludwig 215-944-2772
- Newtown MS Laurie Zila 215-944-2652
- Sloan School Kevin Donnelly 215-944-4384
The CARES team and the school will respect you and your child’s privacy at all times.
Supported by: The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Departments of Education, Health and Public Welfare (9/05
24 HOUR HOTLINESALCOHOL & OTHER DRUGS 1-800-221-6333 Bucks County Council on Alcoholism & Drug Dependence, Inc. www.bccadd.org CHILD ABUSE 1-800-932-0313 Pennsylvania 1-800-220-8116 A Woman’s Place HOMELESS 1-800-810-4434 American Red Cross – Lower Bucks County HORSHAM CLINIC 1-800-237-4447 Outpatient/inpatient MH counseling LENAPE VALLEY FOUNDATION Crisis Hotline Doylestown area: 215-345-5327 Lower Bucks area: 215-785-9765 MENTAL HEALTH CRISIS Bucks County: 1-800-499-7455 Penn Foundation: 1-800-245-7366 NOVA (NETWORK OF VICTIM ASSISTANCE) 1-800-675-6900; 215-343-6543 Rape, sexual abuse & assault, crime victims RUNAWAYS1-800-RUNAWAY National Runaway Switchboard SUICIDE 1-800-SUICIDE (784-2433) Suicide and Crisis Intervention Services |
AREA RESOURCESAL-ANON/ALATEEN INFORMATION 215-222-5244 www.al-anon.alateen.org ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 877-934-2522 BUCKS COUNTY CHILDREN & YOUTH SOCIAL SERVICES AGENCY 215-348-6900 Protective services BUCKS COUNTY PEACE CENTERS 215-750-7220 Programs for at-risk youth (11 to 16) BUTTS COALITION 215-345-3283 Tobacco control CONTACT 215-355-6000 (Lower Bucks) Phone support from trained volunteers NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS 215-440-8400 Support groups STEDMAN'S LABS 215-639-8770 Drug Testing TEEN MOTHERS PROGRAM YWCA OF BUCKS COUNTY 215-953-7793 TODAY, INC. 215-968-4713 Substance Abuse Counselling PA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION STUDENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM www.sap.state.pa.us |